Puudutus, mille Oxfordist saime, on kui pika kestvusega medikament, mille "kõrvaltoimed" ja "depoovormidega" edastus rikastab vaid elu!
Ja nüüd head uudised!
Just nii nimetati 2010 konverentsi pealkiri ja just nii juhin sisse olulise osas sellest kirjest:
Mõned, viited, kus lisaks lugeda toimunust
The Observer on "the festival where ideas have sex"
(and also this piece on their main op-ed page.)
The Sunday Times with a breathless profile of both Chris Anderson and the conference... (however, it's behind a paywall, sorry.)
Maria Popova and Ethan Zuckerman with excellent session summaries
CNN.com's report on Julian Assange's surprise appearance
(and also this piece on their main op-ed page.)
The Sunday Times with a breathless profile of both Chris Anderson and the conference... (however, it's behind a paywall, sorry.)
Maria Popova and Ethan Zuckerman with excellent session summaries
CNN.com's report on Julian Assange's surprise appearance
Head avastamist!
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